Businessmen and women have very tough career paths. They have multiple priorities that pull them out in different directions at the same time. This is why it is very important that you work as efficiently and as hard as you can to achieve all that you have set out to accomplish. Being productive and being able to prioritize tasks properly is the key to succeeding with time management. How to do this? Here’s a quick guide to keep you right on track.
To do List – Some people wonder at the end of the day where the time went or have lost sense of time working on a task all day and realizing too late that something should have taken precedence. Having a to-do-list, whether it’s plain pen and paper version or via useful apps and software for you gadgets, can remind and alert you of urgent matters at hand.
Prioritize – unless you know what tasks are your priorities, your time management and to-do-list will not really help you do your job efficiently. You might be forgetting urgent matters while you work on low priority tasks all day. Start your week by getting a list of all your tasks and schedules and number them according to your priorities. You can add new tasks and renumber them at the end of each working day based on their urgency.
Control Email and Internet Use – emails are not urgent matters though sometimes they feel they need your attention ASAP. You are literally sapped out of your productiveness as you constantly feel the need to check for new emails. Check your email in the morning then wait until lunchtime to check again. At the end of the day, you should be well communicated while still having enough time for your other tasks.
Use Templates – if you have a business to attend to, you should not be wasting your time creating documents and communication letters from scratch. Save your reports, memo or letters as template and use it for your future paperwork of the same type. Soon you’ll have a template for different types of letter or documents at your disposal which can save you a lot of time when you need to make a new document.
Make use of your travel time – if you have a tablet or smartphone, you can discreetly do menial work while you commute to your office. Delete some emails or reply to some that needs your response. You may also proof read documents or review your to-do-list for the day or tomorrow. Travelling by car gives you limited movements but you can still make important calls or update your business and time management skills via podcasts on your gadgets or mobile devices.
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Renjith Krishnan – FreeDigitalPhotos.Net