6 G’s Summer Fun

6 G’s is what hubby and his five high school friends call their group. Wondering what G stands for? As per hubby, G is for any Tagalog word that you can think of that starts with letter G. It can be gwapo, ginoo, gago, etc. However, one of them is missing in action for 10 years now (but that’s another story). Still, the remaining five of them kept on meeting and continued with their regular activities which are boys’ night out once or twice a year, swimming every summer and reunion every Christmas until they became godfather of one another’s kids. The meet ups became 6 G’s tradition together with their wives and kids. Just last May 14 we had our summer fun get-together in Bosay Resort in Antipolo, Rizal.

high school friends Meet the 6 G’s family…the Carloses, Cantoses, and Dacios


kids in their nice swimsuits…

6 G’s kids

6 G’s kids…

stolen shot stolen shot…hubby while enjoying the fish balls courtesy of Cantos’ family…

barbecue time

barbecue time!!!

Out latest summer fun was great. The group was not complete as the Pascuals and Arniegos didn’t make it but still we had fun, fun, fun!!!

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By Rossel

Graduate of B.S. Medical Technology but landed in the field of business and writing. She has gone from being a white-collared job employee to an entrepreneur because of the world's changes and demanding needs. She is currently maintaining 4 blogs with different niches such as business and finance, parenting and family, health and beauty, and home improvement.

Follow her on Twitter and Facebook

7 replies on “6 G’s Summer Fun”

kaka-inggit naman! ang hubby ko nagre-reunion din pero laging di ako kasama… hehehe… sila-sila lang. di kasi ako dito lumaki sa lugar nila… tapos kung ako naman ang sasali sa reunion, di rin dito sa Bohol, sa Cebu and Davao din… hehehe… magastos!

hanggang sa mga apo… heheh… I miss this kind of activity my hubby’s friends were all gone somewhere around this planet… kaya bihira na magikita… heheh.. thanks mommy sel for the drop.

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