Do you have a business card? Do you think it represents you in best way possible? Your business card represents you and your business that is why designing a business card is crucial as it leaves a lasting impression on the potential client.
What a good business card should have?
Your name
Your contact number
Your email address, mailing address or P.O. box
Your logo
Your slogan (if there’s any)
Your web address
A short summary of your business or of what you do
On the front of the card always put your business logo in the upper left corner with your slogan under it. Your name, title and how people may reach you all go in the center of your card. The short summary of what you do and the benefits for your clients can go on the back of your card.
If you do not want to spend more money, surf the web, design your business card on a free template and print it quickly.
One reply on “A Good Business Card”
I think one should also include social media profiles like if they have facebook or twitter, or even linkedin.