Every time bills arrive, people get a little annoyed. Of course no one wants to have a bill to pay. That is why getting car insurance is not a priority to most people especially young drivers because it will add up to their monthly obligations. For many, this is more a pain than a benefit. […]
Author: Rossel
Graduate of B.S. Medical Technology but landed in the field of business and writing. She has gone from being a white-collared job employee to an entrepreneur because of the world's changes and demanding needs. She is currently maintaining 4 blogs with different niches such as business and finance, parenting and family, health and beauty, and home improvement.
Have a Good Night Sleep
A good night sleep is important to have a healthy body and mind. Your brain cannot function properly unless it is given the time to ‘reboot’, which happens while you sleep. To achieve a good night sleep, it starts with your sleeping habits of course. Having comfortable sleeping spaces is vitally important. It is good […]
Loft, A Decent Inner City Home
Everyone is aspiring of having a decent home. Many people simply assume that it’s always to their advantage to buy a home, and for most, it is. When buying a new house and lot, a larger initial investment or down payment is needed but not everyone can afford it and it is very hard to […]
Club Manila East Resort and Hotel
This is a detailed guide to Club Manila East Taytay. This is where we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. This is a seven-hectare resort situated in Taytay and is inside the village so you have to ride a jeepney from the village gate to the resort. If there are no jeepneys available, you can ask […]
Wrath of Typhoon Ondoy
I have good friends who extended their help and gave donations for my family. Thank you very much my dear friends. I was able to buy my family goods, rice and their other basic needs. I went back to my parents’ and siblings’ place after a week and brought the goods. To my dismay, the […]