health healthy life

Ditch the Diet: 5 Long-term Habits That Are Far More Effective Than Dieting

Dieting – Photo: Jan Sedivy / Unsplash Most diets restrict the type or amount of food you can eat, both of which can leave you feeling deprived. You may lose weight initially, but over the long term, many people fall off the wagon and gain the weight back rapidly. There are hundreds of diets on […]

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Formula Facts: 5 Fascinating Moments in the History of Baby Formula

Formula – Photo by  Robert Hrovat on Unsplash The formula for babies is available far and wide these days, which is wonderful, but did you know it’s taken an arduous journey to get here? This essential and deceptively simple product for babies has quite the history, with twists and turns you definitely won’t expect. Here […]

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Perks of Having a Steam Bath in Stunning Leak Free Showers

Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash A steam bath is a pampering and sometimes luxurious experience that come with health benefits. This is why some people go to a Spa or bath houses regularly for steam treatments. Others prefer to enjoy their steam bath at home by having stunning leak free showers installed in […]

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Stay Healthy: 6 Things Every Women Must Know to Deal With Menopause

Photo by Mert Guller on Unsplash Menopause is a stage of life that every woman will eventually go through. It is considered the ‘great equalizer’ because it affects all women, no matter their health or their socioeconomic status. While it is true that menopause is an inconvenient fact of life, there is menopause treatment and few things that […]

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7 Things to Follow When Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with breast cancer, it can be a terrifying and horrific experience. No one ever wants to be told that they have cancer. Unfortunately, this happens too often, and people must educate themselves about what to expect during the long […]

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