home tips

Bathroom Bliss: 5 Clever Ways to Spruce Up Your Bathroom Without Breaking the Bank

Bathroom Bliss – Photo by Chastity Cortijo on Unsplash We all want a nice, fancy bathroom that makes us feel like we’re in a spa every time we step into it. But, redoing the whole room can cost a lot of money. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a fortune to […]

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home tips

5 tips for Planning a Successful Home Renovation Project

Home Renovation Project – Photo from Shutterstock Planning updates to your house is an exciting process, but unfortunately for many, even the mention of the word ‘home renovation’ causes stress and anxiety. But did you know that a home renovation doesn’t have to be a difficult process? In fact, with the proper planning, organization, and […]

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Entry Door Hardware: 4 Tips for Choosing the Best

Photo by Pixabay Door hardware are attachments used to enhance a door’s functionality and appearance. Believe it or not, choosing the best entry door hardware is one of the most life changing decisions you’ll ever make. It not only adds beauty to your home, but also adds security and increases convenience. These perks are the […]

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home tips

Why I Prefer Blinds Over Curtains

When we moved to our house, I did not have any second thought what to use for our windows. Blinds were my only choice. I agree that both blinds and curtains are ideal window decorations but I still prefer blinds because maintaining it is easy and painless. It only needs to be dusted and wiped […]

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home tips

Designing Your Bathroom

Bathroom may be the smallest part of your house but it does not mean you cannot decorate it. Designing your bathroom can be fun. If your bathroom is big enough, you can decorate the wall with art works or framed pictures that can make your bathroom more elegant. You can also use double bathroom vanities […]

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