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Because the business world is such a competitive place to be now, owners and managers are always trying to find ways to save money and cut costs. If you’d rather not have to lay off staff or compromise your corporate image, you can look at advanced technologies that can boost productivity. Implementing a few of these options could end up saving your business a fortune:
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Upgraded Phone Systems
Imagine if you never had to worry about missing important client phone calls, or dealing with high phone bills and no flexibility? That’s the reality with BroadSoft-hosted PBX. PBX telephone systems allow you to take and make calls from anywhere in the world on your business number, scale up or down depending on staff levels, and enjoy a more user-friendly and affordable telephone system.
If your phone bill is regularly reaching record highs every month, then it might be time to upgrade your system today.
Time Tracking Technology
Many people look at time tracking software and see it as a way to spy on their staff. However, that’s not the case at all. If you implement time tracking software, you’re able to see whether your team can take on extra work to produce more money for the company, or whether anyone is doing too much, a typical driver of stress in the workplace.
Time tracking software is also affordable and sits in the background monitoring the on-page actions. It could be something beneficial for your company to implement in the short term.
Remote Access
Over 60 percent of businesses surveyed have remote workers, showing that there is merit in allowing workers flexibility to carry out tasks wherever they please. If you have not yet considered the positives of remote access, then it might be time. With the right technology, your team can tap into your servers and carry out work for you as if they were in your office – but from the comfort of their home instead. Such an option can reduce how many days off work your workers take almost immediately too. The benefits of remote working are so clear that a growing number of organisations are going completely remote and utilizing virtual offices to present a professional image and handle basic receptionist tasks.
Team Collaboration Applications
Communication is the backbone of any business. Without it, your customer experience can suffer, and the direction of the company may not be all that visible either. That’s where team collaboration applications come in – of which there are plenty of options.
Such apps enable your staff to work together on an online platform to complete a task – no matter where they are. The best part is, you have a full paper trail from start to finish of what happened during that project.
Take it to the Cloud
How many people in your workplace face the constant battle of computers freezing, servers failing, and losing work on broken computers? Probably more than you think. If you can’t trust your infrastructure, or if you are looking for a more collaborative and seamless option, then take your work to the cloud. If everyone works from online servers, the chance of losing important documents is minimal, but the likelihood of increased productivity is even higher. What’s more, everyone can look at the same documents and tasks, ensuring that there is no miscommunication about who is doing what. Additionally, cloud based freight management software systems, accounting software, and a host of other tools are now available to handle previously labor-intensive tasks more efficiently.
Productivity can make or break your business, which is why it’s critical that you implement technology that can help your team thrive. Give any of these options above a shot today and notice changes in your workplace dynamic in a matter of days.