Technology has already changed how we conduct business and communicate. Times have changed in today’s classrooms as well, with today’s students now using an arsenal of high-tech gadgets to prepare presentations and learn about the world. No matter what grade a child is going into, they’ll now need more than just name labels for clothes to get ready for back to school time. Laptops, smartphones, and E-readers are all standard issue in many classrooms. It’s helpful to take a closer look at how these are used, to determine if your child will need them for the coming school year or not.
Computer Readiness
From a very young age, students are now using computers as a learning tool. At the preschool or primary school level, they may use a computer to play educational games, matching colours and shapes on the screen and learning how to type. As they get older, laptops and classroom computers are used to prepare reports, take notes, and access the internet for a wealth of information. Courses in computer literacy are considered standard practice in most primary schools, with students having access to them in computer labs and libraries as well as at home.
It’s a good idea to have at least one home computer for your child’s use at home. From about age ten onwards, students will need to have computer access to complete homework. You can install protective software to restrict internet usage, to ensure that the computer is used for educational purposes. Teaching your child about internet safety and privacy from an early age is also a good idea, as they get older and use the computer for social purposes.
Portable Hard Drives
As children start to rely on computers to create reports and presentations, they’ll need a reliable way to back up files. Portable hard drives can become useful back-up devices to prevent frustration when computers crash. It’s a good idea to back information up to a digital device as well as to cloud storage, to get an extra level of protection for important files.
Tablets and E-Readers
Tablets like the iPad can be used by young students, but they are also quite expensive. They can be programmed with numerous educational apps and note taking tools, making them ideal for classroom use. Yet E-readers are a more affordable option. These can be loaded up with books and connected to WiFi networks. Students can highlight important text and take notes on many of these devices as well, giving them an all-in-one library and notebook.
Before you run out to purchase smartphones, tablets, or laptops for your student, it’s a good idea to find out more about your school’s policies. Just as teachers draw up lists of school supplies such as school name tags and pens, they also will include the latest gadgets on this list. Many digital forms of technology are already provided within the classroom, helping teach children the skills they need to find jobs in an increasingly complex global workplace.
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Renjith Krishnan – FreeDigitasPhotos.Net