Practically speaking, a person will work in certain company for the sake of earning money. Not unless they have some very important reasons in mind like acquiring work experiences or perhaps just be with an important person inside the company.
Anyway, a certain business on a tight budget or just gaining momentum in the corporate world can’t promise their employees high salaries yet but there are several ways to keep them motivated to go to work.
The working environment is the most important factor when it comes to retaining your employees or inspiring them to work every day. If you let them feel that you can be approached anytime then that would be a start of a harmonious relationship. However, getting close to your employees should maintain the respect and authority.
Be a good listener. When your employees would raise concerns, give them the chance to explain and impart what they know. A listening boss would most likely have better solutions in mind. Give them the chance to share possible solutions to the problem and include them in the planning process.
Be a fair judge. Whenever conflicts would arise between employees, as much as possible, have your own investigation and give both parties the chance to explain themselves and let them present evidences.
Be a good example. If you want your employees to work hard; then let them see you working hard as well. It’s just the same with if you want them to punctual, see to it that you arrive in the workplace earlier than everyone else.
Bond with your employees from time to time. During break time, do not seclude yourself inside your office. Take time to spend the break with your employees or perhaps join them for lunch in the company’s pantry.
These are just simple ways yet very effective in keeping employees and their loyalty with your company even if the compensation is not that tempting.
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Ambro- FreeDigitalPhotos.Net