advertising business

Location and Characteristics of Banner Ads and Its Impact To The Readers

Just like the offline marketing strategies, online advertisement should also follow certain rules in order to effectively serve its purpose.

Online advertisements can be in different forms. It can be in a positive review, linkage of websites through popular keywords, or in a form of banner with catchy slogans or statements. The latter comes in different sizes and can’t be placed anywhere in a certain website.

Some reader would are having a hard time reading a vertical banner, they prefer the horizontal ones with less flashy animations. However, preferences vary and people have their own choices but most of the reader who are also potential clients would prefer a catchy statement rather than irritating sparkling information. Vertical banners should stay on the sides and should follow the width of your side bars. Those horizontal ones can be placed right under the header but would be neater if it is going to be placed on the footer part.

Another factor that could affect the effectiveness of certain banner ad would be its contents. It would be nice to read catchy and convincing titles rather that reading a non sense statement that are just being enhanced with a flashy animation. Colors also play a vital role to the banner ads. Though it is not necessary for the banner to blend with the sites motif but it should be in a shade that isn’t too far out. Some makers of the banner even want it to be in the totally opposite shade of the site so that it can be easily found by the potential clients. One tip for banner text would be the avoidance of yellow text if the background is white. Surely your readers will have eye strain when reading it. Red and its other shades will work out very fine with the mentioned background.

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By Rossel

Graduate of B.S. Medical Technology but landed in the field of business and writing. She has gone from being a white-collared job employee to an entrepreneur because of the world's changes and demanding needs. She is currently maintaining 4 blogs with different niches such as business and finance, parenting and family, health and beauty, and home improvement.

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