The past weekend was hectic yet a blast. Saturday was parents’ recollection in RJ’s school and Sunday was ParentinTv event.
I cannot recall the time I last attended a recollection. For persons like me and my husband who have issues with our present church, a recollection is a must. Do not get us wrong. We both have strong faith in God. What we do not like is the church in our community. So as soon as I read on my daughter’s journal that there is a scheduled parents’ recollection in their school, I decided to tug along my husband. I am glad that we did attend. RJ and her classmates will be having their first communion on the 11th and the recollection is a sort of preparation for the parents of the communicants.
The recollection master was Bro. Rolly Ingaran of San Beda and Santissimo Rosario Parish of the University of the Philippines. The recollection lasted only for 3 hours, very short yet spiritually-filled. It was a reminder of how great God is for giving us His love by creating all the beautiful things around us. It was a reminder that everyone has the right to the beauty of God’s creation. The right to admire, enjoy, and flourish but it does not mean we have the right to destroy them. The poverty, disease, environmental degradation and global warming are the results of our abuse in nature. So before it is too late, let us not just love and protect these God’s creations but let us teach our children to love and protect them as well; that these things are created miraculously and wonderfully and that they should be protected rather than destroy. As God’s stewards, we must develop a grateful heart and thank God day and night for His blessings.
When Bro. Rolly expressed his feelings regarding the Reproductive Health bill, I cannot help but feel he is biased. Well, I cannot blame him as he is a church person. We have different views about RH bill and I respect his opinion, but when he mentioned that the Bishops released letters to parishes to be read on last Sunday’s masses, I and hubby got little disappointed and asked ourselves the same question, “Why do the Catholic priests need to butt in RH bill issues? Can’t they just leave that matter to the government? Well, that would be another story. Nonetheless, it was a great 3 hours with hubby, other parents, teachers, Bro. Rolly and the Lord.