One of my hobbies before I was hooked in front of the computer because of blogging, is reading. I love suspense detective stories and courtroom dramas. Two of my favorite authors are Sidney Sheldon and John Grisham and I sometimes read novels of Danielle Steel and Mary Higgins Clark.
As per my husband, reading is on his top list. You can see him with a book everywhere. He always has a book or pocketbook in his bag because he gets bored easily so he reads while on a vehicle, while waiting for someone, while on a queue, etc. He loves war stories and he is a die-hard fanatic of World War II books.
And because we want to inculcate a great habit to RJ like reading, we introduced her to books at an early age. Now, she loves to read as well and oftentimes receive books as gift. Result?
I got them out of the shelf to wipe them and I can’t believe that we have collected this many (encyclopedias not included). Just shows how addicted we are on reading. We maybe addicted to books but it’s the best addiction ever because reading is one of the best hobbies a person can have.
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3 replies on “Reading As a Hobby”
Yes, you are so right. If we have to get addicted on something, it might as well be on books. Learning is a never ending process and the more we read, the more we know that we are very ignorant of so many things. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.
What a great hobby for both of you! You have a new follower! Come and visit Mama's Little Chick. That is quite a few books!
Mama Hen
wow thats many books! i too have collected many many books over the years and have more books than clothes…:)
but i read more of romance… classics