customer service

A Guide to Deliver Phenomenal Customer Service in the Food and Beverage Industry

Customer Service in the Food and Beverage Industry – Images by Andrea Piacquadio in Pexels Great drinks, great food served fast in a warm, fun atmosphere is the end-all and be-all of phenomenal restaurant operations. Customer service is the helping hand and advice you provide your diners. It is a perfect blend of sincere attention […]

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customer service

Winning the Hearts of Your Customers

An office at one of the world’s best business centers, a fleet of high-end company cars, and droves of black-suit clad managers do not necessarily make a business a success. What you have to pay attention and devote time to are your customers. They are the heart of your business. Without the pulsating beat of […]

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business management

Uplifting Your Employees through Awards and Certifications

Aside from the salary, a person works efficiently if he’s in a working place wherein his effort are being recognized and appreciated. Some companies are giving out monetary rewards for their employee of the month while some are giving them leave credits. These rewards, such as awards and certifications, are effective ways to inspire workers […]

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A Bucketful of Patience

When you see long queues in a store, it just means two things. First, the cashier is inefficient, either new on her job or spends more time talking to her co-workers and second, the cash register broke down. Sadly, I often encounter long queues in supermarkets because of these two problems. There were times I […]

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