
The Fly

My Rating: 7/10 The Fly has two versions, the 1958 and the 1986. But I must say that the latter version which was directed by David Cronenberg, surpasses the original ’58 version. I remember watching this movie twice when I was in high school. When I heard its title I was expecting a horror film […]

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3D Experience

Honestly I have nothing to share this week for the TCP  theme “The 3D Experience” for I haven’t experienced yet watching movies in 3D. If I am not mistaken 3D movies here cost P300-P350 ($7-$8) per ticket. If the three of us will watch on 3D it will cost us P900-P1,050 ($21-$24) which for us […]

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The Net

Angela Bennett (Sandra Bullock) is a young and beautiful computer expert. She works from home as a computer analyst of Cathedral Software. She has few friends and almost no one knows how she looked like. Even her own mother who is suffering from Alzheimer’s failed to identify her. Angela had her identity stolen digitally and […]

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When I learned that we need to post movie that starts with letter “A”, Avatar and Armageddon are the first two movies that crossed my mind. I am not a science fiction fan but these two movies are different. They touched me in a way like no other sci-fi movies did. I’ve already posted an […]

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My TCP’s May Entries

I missed all the May theme so this is an all-in-one post to make up with the missed May entries. I am sorry, Kikamz. So many work and activities. Got very busy. May 4:  From a Book Of course for this theme “Twilight” and “New Moon” are the first 2 films that crossed my mind. […]

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