
Social Media and Its Role in Businesses

In this era wherein everyone are all eyes in the internet checking their social networking sites, convincing them to buy your products or avail your services would be a great challenge. Furthermore, these people also own smartphones that again allows them to check their social networking accounts wherever they may be. This is reality and […]

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Facebook’s Impact and Influence

An old friend/high school classmate, added me to her Facebook friends yesterday. The last time I saw her was when we had our batch reunion three years ago. We had a little reminiscing of our high school days and experiences together with our other classmates in high school who happen to be our Facebook friends […]

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The 3rd Social Networking Conference 2010

When the first social network sites were introduced, they were focused only on building and reflecting social relations among individuals with shared interests. Today, social networking sites are used in voicing opinions, promoting business, political campaigns, expressing support for a cause, job and candidate hunting, etc. Why not? Social Networks reach to millions of audiences […]

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