Everybody loves to see the Eiffel Tower. This known structure on earth is great to see both during the day and night. After dark, the entire tower is cloaked in the warm glow of 336 light projectors and 20,000 sparkling strobe lights making it the photo icon of Paris, France.
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9 replies on “The Eiffel Tower”
Interesting shot; it's not often one sees this landmark from below!
It's the most famous landmark in Paris, France. It is already synonymous with France. Thanks for the in formative post. God bless you all always.
Thanks for your reply.
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Regards, Bram
Beautiful SkyWatch photo
Happy SWF! Have a nice weekend,
Regards, Bram
My SkyWatch on WordPress
Seen on Sky Watch Friday
It is a dream to see this again… and now… it is all lit up! What a treat it must have been!
Great shot, definitely a different angle than the ones usually seen. I'd love to go back there, I was just a kid last time I saw it. In fact the first photo I ever took included the Eiffel Tower, I'll have to post it one day just for old times sake!
Fabulous angle!
great angle. i took a photo of the Eiffel Tower at 1 am–it wasn't very good.:p
That's an interesting angle – looks as if it's about to take off into that amazing sky 🙂