
Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2011

I never thought that I would be a blogger, not even in my dreams. Though reading is my passion, I hate writing articles and composing letters that’s why I took up B.S. Medical Technology which is famous for long laboratory hours and difficult curriculum but has no room for writing. Until two years ago, an old high school friend introduced me to blogosphere. How I miss the sensible blogs then…I mean no paid posts. It was fun reading real life stories and other people’s adventures. Though I must admit I am one of those guilty bloggers who commercialized their blogs. But I don’t let those paid posts to influence my thoughts. Like me, there are still many bloggers who keep on sharing and writing sensible stories. This is the reason why I now have my Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2011. These blogs somehow inspire me to keep on writing and blogging most especially when the laziness in me prevails.

Mom Writes – blog of a work-at-home Mom whom I admire a lot. In spite of the trials and hardships she was able to make this blog that documents all her happy thoughts and wonderful memories. This helps me to appreciate all the things that I have, big or small.

My Painted Lips – I am not lipstick fanatic but this blog is more than just lipsticks. This blog reminds me to look in the mirror and see how I look like after each stressful day. Her beauty tips help me to look good and feel good.

Notepad Corner – I am learning a lot from this blog. The how-to-articles and tutorials are all based on the author’s personal experiences when she was still an I-café owner. Not to mention her personal experiences as a blogger and work-at-home Mom that help those who are new in the blogosphere.

Levyousa – this is one of those blogs that put smile on my face and keep me sane. The author shares her experiences on health and beauty and manages to inject humor in every post, the reason why I am smiling alone most of the time.

My Green Living Ideas – I love this blog about living green that is why I am joining its weekly meme which is Green Monday. The green thoughts and ideas serve as eye openers to those who keep on abusing Mother Nature.

The Bloggers Journal – blog of a smart Mom who happens to know almost everything. Through this blog she shares that knowledge which helps many bloggers like me most especially the newbie.

Pepperific Life – when I first visit this blog I could hardly believe that it is owned by a very young Mom yet expert in parenting. I am raising a daughter for almost 9 years now but still I am learning from her posts.

Tottering Mama – one of those new blogs that caught my attention. I love the way the author shares her experiences and views as a Mother to her 2 toddlers. I recommend this to Moms who are home schooling their kids.

Mommy Survival Guide – if you are a Mom who needs tips and advices about parenting and home management, then this blog from an expert Mom will help you to survive.

Certified Foodies – this is for certified foodie lovers like me! If you’re not a foodie lover, you’ll become one as soon as you visit this food blog. The mouth-watering photos will surely entice your palates.

Thanks to the following sponsors for this project will not be possible without their support: Cyber Monday Deals, TRIbeca Private Residences, How To Videos, Palawan Beaches for Sale,Green and Natural Lubes Philippines, Philippine data center, Philippine online shopping, Singapore Jobs, Pinoy Party Food, Apartment for rent, and Best deals tips.


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By Rossel

Graduate of B.S. Medical Technology but landed in the field of business and writing. She has gone from being a white-collared job employee to an entrepreneur because of the world's changes and demanding needs. She is currently maintaining 4 blogs with different niches such as business and finance, parenting and family, health and beauty, and home improvement.

Follow her on Twitter and Facebook

6 replies on “Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2011”

Hi Rossel! 🙂

Awesome blogs indeed! 😛

Oops, you forgot to link to Janette Toral’s blog post, make sure to link back so you’re entry will be counted.. 🙂

Good luck to your nominees! 🙂

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