When setting up a small business there are many things to consider. You want to make a good first impression on your new and prospective clients so having business cards is definitely a must. As you shake their hand for the first time, you should be busy passing them a card with the other.
There are a few ways to obtain free business cards and ultimately it is up to you with regard to what you choose.
1. Online printing services
Vistaprint is one of the most well known and well regarded online websites when it comes to preparing print materials to help you further promote your business. They sell everything from business stationery to custom t shirts and web design. It has become your one stop shop for all of your business needs. They also have a very affordable promotion that allows you to choose from over 40 template designs in order to create the perfect business card for free. All you will be required to pay for is the postage. Once your business is doing well, you can look into the other services they offer to market the business on a wider scale.
2. The home printer
If postage is still a bit of a stretch, you could try printing your cards at home. This is a more hands on approach and could look good if you have a good eye for design and detail. Cutting the cards is a little trickier but if you think you can do it, you will be best off using a Stanley knife and ruler over a pair of scissors in order to achieve a perfectly straight edge. This is a good option for you until you can afford to spend a little more on a quality business card.
3. Digital business cards
If you are doing away with all things paper in your small business, then a digital card is for you. Not only are you saving the planet by going green you will also be saving money by always emailing your business card to existing and potential clients. This option is a flexible one, allowing you to be more creative and step outside of the typical 90mm x 50mm size. The only negative is that you will have to get the recipients email in order to send one on. Once again, this option is recommended for short term use only.
It is always difficult starting out with your own business, money is tight as you try and build it up so that your financials are showing in the black instead of the red. There are always cheaper, or in this case free ways to obtain the materials you need in order to promote yourself and your business. You just need to do the research to reap the rewards.
Image Credit:
Pakorn – FreeDigitalPhotos.Net