Employer Identification Number or EIN is typically used for people who are starting a business and have plans to file taxes on that business. While that is the most prominent reason, it is not the only. Some people choose to use their EIN number in different ways, but anybody can apply for EIN.
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Not a Business?
Not every person who has a tax-ID number has a business or has plans to start one. Some people choose to use an EIN number in lieu of their social security number. There are commercials everywhere about the “dark web” and the wrong people getting their hands on your social security number. This has led people to get tax-ID’s and use those on job applications, government applications, and other random places that may require a social security number.
You do not have to have an EIN number, but if you want one you can certainly get one.
North Carolina
Although the EIN numbers do come from the federal government, there are some state governments that require you to use a certain process or go through the state process to receive your ID number. The state of North Carolina is one of those states. Filing through the North Carolina government websites can be a bit of a headache. An EIN number NC may not be the easiest process, but it can be done.
Many times it helps to seek a website who can simplify the IRS-EIN-Tax-ID process. There is no longer a reason to spend hours attempting to understand the jargon and often times confusing language. Speaking with and allowing an agency who understands North Carolina EIN regulations and procedures to help you through this process will save you a lot of time and will ensure that you have completed the process correctly.
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