

Dinner is our family’s simplest way to spend quality time together. It is also the time for positive discussions and updates as to what is going on with our lives. Most of the time, hubby is the boat’s man and with his sense of humor, all you can hear is laughter during dinner. There was this time when he mentioned he wants to give tribute to bus conductors who despite the low pay (commission basis), long hours and leg-wrecking work, they do not lose their sense of humor. He even gave them nicknames:

Mr. Sarcasm – humiliation is his weapon as he bravely embarrasses any passenger who crosses his path performs a misdeed. Whether you’re a student, a senior citizen, an executive, there’s no exemption to his tantrums. He hasn’t seen the guy lately so it might mean that it was pay back time for his victims.

Mr. Yoso – the most silent type, he moves like a seminarian when performing his job. He is so silent that most of the time passengers miss their bus stop because Mr. Yoso didn’t speak loud enough to be heard by the driver.

Mr. Loudmouth – literally, he has a loud mouth. Don’t know if he’s deaf or what but he really loves to shout. From instructing the passengers to pick up their seats, to getting their fares and asking their destinations, to talking to his driver, to counting his money and yes, even buying peanuts. Must make an appointment with an ENT doctor.

Mr. Suave – hubby’s favorite. If pilots have aces, so are the conductors. With a white towel covering his head and the familiar playing of coins in his belt bag, who wouldn’t like this guy? He assists everyone going in and out of the bus, making sure you are already seated before signaling the driver to proceed, knows all the direction going to the destination you are asking, knows the bus fare matrix by heart and he shouts landmarks to passengers with his eyes closed as a reminder so that they’ll not miss their stops. Unfortunately, there is one flaw: it’s his accent. Since he is from the Visayas region, some of his terms are hard to understand and there’s this particular word which hubby had a hard time figuring out. Every time the bus passes by New Era University in Commonwealth Avenue, he then shouts “Yopigem, Yopigem, who’s going to alight?!” For three weeks, hubby was puzzled and keeps asking himself where and what the hell is “Yopigem”. Then one day, a student asked Mr. Suave to drop her off at UP Gym. Lo and behold! It was UP Gym all the while. Hubby was laughing to himself when he finally realized where and what “Yopigem” is.

This is just one of my husband’s funny stories during dinner time that make our healthy and hearty meal more enjoyable.

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By Rossel

Graduate of B.S. Medical Technology but landed in the field of business and writing. She has gone from being a white-collared job employee to an entrepreneur because of the world's changes and demanding needs. She is currently maintaining 4 blogs with different niches such as business and finance, parenting and family, health and beauty, and home improvement.

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6 replies on “Yopigem”

I recently had “Mr. Frustrated Stand Up Comic” for my bus driver. He had a running routine that was hilarious. Had the whole bus in stitches. We were his captive audience!

I enjoyed your post. Family meal time together is very important, as is positive conversation.

The man with the accent – funny you mention that. I have lived in areas with a number of people who did not speak english very well. I know they are doing the best they can, and will probably improve as time goes bye.

Your husband is very observant indeed to come up with different appellations for different bus conductors. He must be a psychologist inside with his keen sense of observation. Thanks for the humorous post. God bless you all always.

Though we are all now a stay-at-home parents, we rarely have dinner together. My husband doesn’t eat when he is not hungry and sometimes when I am asleep, they won’t wake me up. So I end up eating alone. 🙁

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